10 business ideas to start with less than $ 100

A business idea and your ambition will get you far in business, but when you’re without money or with very little capital, it can be more difficult. Even if you only have $ 100, you can start a small home business that you will grow over time and achieve financial independence. Here are 10 business ideas you can start at under $ 100.
1- Reseller
The first idea of starting a business is to become a reseller.
Resell online
If you like to browse secondhand markets and don’t mind doing a little cleaning up and taking pictures, you could start an online business or business in the afternoon. Your first purchase would cost you well under $ 100, and you could double your money on the resale. Creating a sales page for your products with Payfacile is as easy as pie (here is a video tutorial), you just have to share the link of this page by e-mail with your customer, on social networks or on your website.
Launch your own monthly boxes
More and more entrepreneurs are choosing a business model based on subscription sales. Here is a guide to setting up a box e-commerce (monthly box) in less than 24 hours. We have also listed around fifty ideas for this type of business.
2- Private Cook
Are you looking for an idea to make money? Do you have a knack for cooking? Look no further, you have already found your business idea.
Monetize your services as a cook
Thousands of people around your home would pay generously to have you cook in their homes on an exceptional or regular basis. Your cooking skills can also allow you to work from home. All you need to do is start an online business: gourmet e-commerce box, sale of recipes, made-to-order dishes, etc.
Monetize your passion for cooking
Just create a website (here’s a guide) and showcase your experiences and the services you offer.
3- Sewing
Sewing is also good for starting an online business. Create your website, add some photos of your previous work and set your prices for the most common sewing requests.
Sell your own creations
Another idea for making money with your tailoring skills is to sell your own designs. You can also launch your own monthly clothing boxes to ensure a recurring source of income and thus easily increase your income. Fashion boxes and beauty boxes are already well established. You will have no trouble starting your own online business.
Monetize your passion for sewing by sharing it online
Another idea for an online business based on sewing is to monetize your expertise by selling tutorials, patterns of your creations, e-books, or even training, … If you already have a community on social networks on the theme sewing, it’s time to launch your online business.
4- Online training
Do you have specific knowledge on a specific subject? Or can it just be a passion? The web is full of videos and tutorials of all kinds, but finding quality content is not easy. This is why more and more people are ready to buy digital files like e-books or training videos from the Internet.
5- Blogger
Do you feel like you have something important to share with the rest of the world? With an online blog, you can write it all down and post it instantly. Many websites like Kissanime , and ted blogger also start like that a small scale. Some bloggers have made this their full-time job, but you can start slowly until you’re ready to quit your job.
Entrepreneurship is not just for people with big capital
Don’t let money stop your dreams of starting your own online business. Any of these ideas will allow you to build an online business on a low budget: less than $ 100. Don’t hesitate, get started! For more ideas you can visit here.
Any other business ideas?