11 Reasons Why Table Tennis Is The Perfect Sport

Everyone nowadays is looking for ways to clear their schedule, have more time for family and friends, and find that perfect balance between work and life. If you’re finding it hard to keep up with all your commitments on a daily basis, then it may be time to add one of the world’s fastest-growing sports to your routine – table tennis.
Gone are the days when the British aristocracy played ping-pong on a coffee table, with caps for balls and cigar box lids as rackets!
Table tennis (the official name of ping-pong since 1902) is considered today as the sport for all par excellence, practiced indoors or outdoors.
It is also a high-level competitive sport, an Olympic discipline since 1988, which requires extremely rigorous training for very tall players.
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Reason #1 It’s Fun!
All great hobbies are enjoyable (or they wouldn’t be hobbies), and learning how to play table tennis is no exception. Breaking a sweat and having fun while exercising with friends and family is a great way to bond with them. Another advantage
Reason #2 Table Tennis is (Almost) Free!
There are plenty of misconceptions surrounding table tennis. A lot of people believe you need ping pong balls, ping pong paddles, and even tables to play ping pong. Fortunately for you, that’s not true! You can be playing table tennis on your own in the comfort of your own home right now without breaking the bank. All you need is a table (or floor) with plenty of space.
Reason #3 It’s Helping The Environment!
A table tennis paddle is made from a rubber material called ‘celluloid,’ which was invented during the late 19th Century. Throughout history, the material has been used extensively in building billiard balls and to make a variety of other items. The best part is, celluloid is completely biodegradable! Once a table tennis paddle is worn out, it will decompose within three years, making it an environmentally friendly sport to play.
Reason #4 Table Tennis is Team Sport!
If you’re into team sports, then table tennis is definitely something to put on your list of activities to try out. It’s easy to see why: table tennis is a fast-paced game, which means you’ll be going up against an opponent with the same goals as you. Everyone on the team has a chance to work together and support each other throughout the game. : basic technical skills are relatively easy to acquire, and you can “hold the rally” fairly quickly – while waiting to work on sophisticated blows (smashes, cushioning, or cut balls).
Reason #5 Table Tennis is an Indoor Sport!
Some people think it is impossible to play table tennis in their homes. However, it works. You can always use an indoor table tennis table at home and play with your family and friends. There are plenty of accessories available for tables at home like protective equipment, balls, paddles, scoreboards, and more.
It is, therefore, possible to learn (or resume) ping-pong at any age, and there is no limit to stopping: some very high-level players are well over 40 years old, and others are still playing, after 80 years!
Reason #6 It’s Never Too Late To Learn!
If you want to get into table tennis on a more casual basis, then you have nothing to worry about. You can start learning the basic rules in just thirty minutes or fewer, thanks to the handy instructional DVDs that are available on every major retail chain. If you’re more of a self-motivated person, then you can always rely on the internet to help with all your table tennis needs, like finding the best places to play or learning about the game.
Apart from this fundamental precaution, table tennis is an activity to recommend to all: it develops reflexes, skill, speed, attention, a sense of observation …
If you have the impression that you have difficulty reading the trajectories of the balls, this could also be the occasion for a visit to the ophthalmologist!
Reason #7 You’ll Have To Follow Rules!
There is always someone who will follow their set of rules no matter where you go. However, with table tennis, there’s a set of official rules for you to learn! Even though there are variations of the game depending on your country or city, there are some rules which remain constant around the world. This means you can go anywhere in the world and still be able to play this sport!
Reason #8 Table Tennis is a Great Mind Sport!
As gamers, we’re often focused on our minds and how they work. In particular, gamers who are used to problem-solving and planning ahead may be challenged. When you start playing table tennis, you have to pay more attention to so many different aspects of the game. You’ll need to think more about where your opponent will strike the ball and how you’ll react. This is especially true if you’re playing a doubles game where there are two of you working together!
Reason #9 It’s A Great Game To Relax Around The House!
There are many different ways that table tennis can be played and relax around the house. You can always grab some friends over to your home, get the party started with a few drinks and have a great time talking to others while playing games or watching TV. The group date idea is particularly helpful if you’re looking to plan a gathering with friends but feel the pressure to pull it off. There’s no need to spend tons of cash on refreshments when you can use table tennis as your main event!
Reason #10 It’s A Great Substitute For Drills With Your Team!
You can play table tennis with anyone, which is one of the great things about it. You can easily recruit members of your local sports team, school friends, or close neighbors. When your team is getting ready to start practicing, having a short round of table tennis with them can be great for strengthening your muscles and improving your overall performance. Not only is this an entertaining way to keep everyone on board, but it’s also a lot of fun!
Reason #11 It’s A Great Workout As Well!
Table tennis can actually be a great workout, depending on how many times you play in a day. The best way to determine how many times you should be playing is to ask yourself if you’re getting the best possible workout. If so, then set yourself a goal of playing five matches in a single day. You may want to focus on certain muscles each time that you play table tennis. For example, your forearms and your upper back would most likely benefit from some intense exercises after you’ve played sparingly.
• Brief but intense exchanges
Because under its playful air of family entertainment, table tennis involves fast footwork, breath, and, above all, a heart and arteries in perfect condition: the exchanges are brief, but intense, and make the heart rate rise to record levels!
After 40 years, it is therefore imperative to seek the advice of your doctor and have a cardiovascular check-up.
The preliminary warm-up is also imperative: allow ten minutes to a quarter of an hour of running, stretching, and small jumps before unpacking your racquet.
While table tennis is an entertaining game, it’s also a great workout that’ll help to improve your overall fitness. There are countless benefits of playing this sport, and if you’re willing to give it a try, you won’t regret your decision. Make friends and play together. Don’t forget to work on your angles and master the spin shot for some awesome bounces!
After just one session, you could improve a lot.