Home Improvement

4 Home Renovation Tips You Need

When it comes to home renovation, you can easily get carried away. Although you can envision your home clearly but due to the variety of options, things can easily become a bit confusing. However, the general rule of thumb is that when you plan to renovate your home, you should maximize the value. It should help you increase the value of your home. Therefore, in this article, we are going to discuss some important home renovation tips for you to make the best out of the renovation process. Let’s begin.

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#1 Avoid Installing A False Ceiling

One of the biggest mistakes people tend to make while renovating their home is installing a false ceiling. While a false ceiling may make your home look like a posh suite but it reduces the height as well by 15 cm approximately. In such cases, taller people walking inside your home may find it a bit tough to keep their heads down. Furthermore, you will not be able to install a ceiling fan because it simply would be too close to the ground. Unfortunately, there is no other way around it.

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#2 Try Not To Hack Walls

Apartments are becoming smaller day by day. And since customers demand bigger spaces, owners tend to bring down the walls and combine rooms to give it a more spacious feel. However, your potential customer might not like the fact that you opted to make the living room much bigger as compared to the bedrooms. Buyers prefer to purchase units that are in original condition. It is not about what you have done to the unit but more about them doing something different to manage space and area. As a result, buyers tend to offer lower prices if they find out that the walls have been hacked.

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#3 Refrain From Putting In Too Much Built-In Furniture

The idea behind built-in furniture is to maximize storage space. Furthermore, it prevents you from spending extra money on purchasing furniture that you might not be able to fit in your apartment. If the apartment or a house happens to have loose, standing furniture, it will be easier for the potential buyer to replace or dispose of it.

However, in case of built-in furniture, things can become ugly. You will have to pay a professional to come and break the items out of their place using a sledgehammer. Therefore, when renovating your home, make sure that you stick to storage maximization. A potential customer will not be too keen to buy your property if he/she deems the in-built furniture excessive.

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#4 Don’t Go Overboard With Colors

Paintings your walls with unique colors or installing vinyl or wallpapers might be your thing and your friends might complement your bold choice but do not bombard your house with colors that might make it difficult to sell in the future. Remember, the focus is maximizing practicality, while maintaining the original vibe of the house. Go for colors that will make it easier to match the furniture and other important things in the house.


Renovating your home is an exciting process. Considering the tips mentioned above, you will not only be saving money but maximizing the value of your house as well. Too much of anything can potentially damage the entire purpose of renovating. For new home owners, do consider buying a home insurance as well to protect your new home.

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