Tips for Healthy Social Communication
Social media has become the elixir of life for our generation. We are connected to social media every minute of every day, and we will be for the rest of our lives. We are always tweeting, whatsapping, snap chatting, using Instant Chat Messengers, and so much more, sometimes simultaneously. When navigating a world like this, our habits can become deeply unhealthy for us. We forget where to draw the line, and when to create boundaries for ourselves. We forget when to logout. And ultimately, we forget the difference between who we are and who we present ourselves as online. To help you find your way through this digital maze, here are a few tips for healthy social communication.
Remember to Log out
Before we dig into the nitty-gritty of healthy social communication, the first thing we need to learn is to draw boundaries. Drawing boundaries is not necessarily always with other people, mostly it just means for us to remember when to log out, put our phones down, and read a book. Being constantly on our phones is the Achilles’ Heal of our generation. However, it is not our fault; we were pushed into this world by our predecessors. Now, the only way we know how to make connections with people is through social media.
When you are constantly on your phone, external stimuli can get overwhelming. It can turn you into a zombie. So, the first thing you need to do is to pick a time where you log out of all your digital devices – laptop, phone, gaming console, iPad, etc., and turn all these devices off. Doing this will not only help you break your habit and dependency on social media, it will also turn you into someone with self-control and discipline.
Know Your Friends
One thing we have noticed is that Generation Z tends to communicate online a lot more than millennials or Generation X. A positive side to this is the boom in the technology industry; however, the downside is much darker and steeper. Generation Z kids, as seen through online trends, add almost everyone in their extended social circle on their social media, be it Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, NEEO Messenger, or more; however, most of the time they do not know who they are adding. For instance, Facebook routinely recommends people for you to add to your friend list. Most of the time, these are friends of friends, someone you think you may know, but you cannot be so sure about it. Imagine you add someone to your account. They look familiar but are not sure. A few days later, your account is spammed with useless, sometimes harmful information, to the point where you have to delete your account in its entirety. This is not a scare tactic to keep you away from strangers, this is a fact.
Our advice, if you are willing to take it is to not add someone you have not met in real life to your social media accounts unless you are absolutely sure of it.
Do Not Share Too Much
Another habit among Generation Z is sharing absolutely random and useless information online constantly. Your peers will relentlessly share every single minute detail of their lives online and looking at them, you will want to, too. But do not fall for it. This is not something you should be doing. The online world is a cruel, unkind, bottomless abyss that feeds off of your insecurities. If you share too much about yourself online, be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat, or any other form of Instant Chat Messenger, you will be left vulnerable to outside influences. Some people on the internet will use your information to exploit you and make you subservient to them. So, keeping this in mind, keep your information to yourself and do not share too much with people online.
The internet is not what it seems. To us, it is a repository of cute animal videos and food pictures. However, to the internet, we are an endless supply of information and material. To navigate this cruel and devious world, you need to be extra careful. We hope you find these tips helpful. Watch this space for more helpful information regarding the digital world!