Top 5 Features that You Should Know About Google Keep
Google Keep allows you to create and save your notes so that you can manage your tasks and effectively accomplish them. To use Google Keep, you should have a Google account. The app provides you with lots of features, but we are going to share the top 5 features of this app that you should know. So, let’s begin.
Type, Draw, Capture, Talk
It allows you to create your notes in four different ways; the first way is that you can type your thoughts, or if you want to give your note a unique look, then you can draw as well using your finger. Drawing is quite fun and even easier than typing. You can also go for the third way, that is recording, you can simply record your voice, and the app will save it. The app is integrated with Google Assistant so it can translate your voice into the text too. The fourth way is to click the picture, you can click the photos, and the app will save it for you.
Use It Anywhere
It allows you to access its tools even without an internet connection that makes it more convenient and user-friendly. The notes you create on the app, Google Keep syncs them all quickly and makes them available for you on Gmail or Google Keep’s website so that you can access all your notes quickly from anywhere and at any time.
Alerts and Reminders
Google Keep allows you to create alerts and reminders so that you will never forget your important tasks. You just need to add the event, time, and location, and the app will never let you miss anything. It also allows you to set reminders for your existing notes.
Read Later
Sometimes we find something very interesting on the internet, but don’t get time to read it thoroughly, in this case, you can simply add the article to Google Keep and save it for later. Once you save the article, you will have to create a later read label, or you can set a reminder for it as well, and when you visit next time, the app will notify you.
Ship Notes to Google Docs
Google Keep allows you to send your notes to Google Docs; it offers some excellent features that you will not find on any other apps similar to Google Keep. Once you share your notes from Google Keep to Google Docs, you can do lots of stuff with your notes, like customizing your notes by changing the text’s color or font size. You can use various headings for your note as well.
Google Docs provides you with a variety of features that Google Keep does not. Google Docs feature easy file sharing options and allow multiple people to access and edit the notes simultaneously.
If you want to send the notes on Google Docs from Google Keep, you will have to long-press Google Keep and tap More Actions icon and then select the option “Copy to Google Docs,” and your notes will be sent on Google Docs.
So, these were the top five features provided by Google Keep. I hope you liked the information shared in this article. I recommend you to install Google Keep on your Android smartphone and try all these above-mentioned fantastic Google Keep features. Thank you!