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Vitrectomy – Bharti Eye Foundation

What Causes Dry Eyes? – Bharti Eye Foundation


One of the techniques used to fix a detached retina is a vitrectomy. Parts of the vitreous removed during this surgery. This may require if the surgeon cannot see the detached retina because of the vitreous, a thick, translucent material that occupies the center of the eye. When retinal scarring makes other retinal detachment operations less effective, this procedure could also required.

Anesthesia for vitrectomy

General anaesthetic, local anaesthesia, topical anaesthesia, and intracameral lidocaine irrigation are anaesthetic options during vitrectomy procedures.

Each anaesthesia technique has benefits and drawbacks, and the choice of anaesthesia will determined by a number of variables, including the patient’s and surgeon’s preferences, the patient’s health, and any additional surgical procedures that will need.

What makes a vitrectomy necessary?

A variety of eye conditions, such as cataracts and eye injuries, can treat using vitrectomy surgery.

When doing surgeries to treat retinal problems, surgeons frequently perform vitrectomy procedures to provide them access to the back of the eye.

Additionally, draining vitreous fluid that has turned hazy, bloody, or loaded with floaters or tissue clumps is a typical procedure.

The following are typical causes for vitrectomy surgery and related procedures:

  • Bleeding within the eye
  • Eye infections
  • Serious eye damage or trauma
  • Complications following cataract (cloudy lens) surgery
  • Small tissue fragments or vitreous floaters in the vitreous fluid
  • Scar tissue on the retina or damaged retinal tissue
  • Harm from an intraocular lens that has become loose, moved or infected (iol)
  • Detached retina: a detached retina is one that moves about the eye.
  • Surgery for glaucoma, cataracts, or cornea that results in trauma or injury
  • Diabetic retinopathy is a condition when long-term uncontrolled diabetes has damaged the retina.
  • A small rip, hole, or imperfection in the macula or retina’s core tissue known as macular degeneration or a macular hole.
  • Central retinal tissue swelling
  • Eye swelling


If your vitreous diseased, inflamed or contains floating pieces of tissue or blood, a vitrectomy may performed. Your doctor may use a vitrectomy to treat other problems that could harm your retina or the interior of your eye, including

  • Eye haemorrhage, cataracts, and eye infections (endophthalmitis)
  • Retinal wrinkles, tears, or damage
  • When your retina breaks from its normal position and floats around in your eye, it known as a detached retina.
  • Serious eye damage or trauma
  • When the retina harmed by diabetes problems, it known as diabetic retinopathy.
  • Macular hole, which develops when the retinal tissue that facilitates detail perception injured

Even if you’re over 60, vitrectomy has a success rate of about 90%.

What ocular diseases is vitrectomy used to treat?

Doctors can treat a variety of eye diseases using vitrectomies. For instance, vitrectomy might recommended as part of the treatment for:

  • Retinal detachment can prevented by assisting our best eye doctor in west delhi by repairing any retinal tears or holes.
  • By replacing clouded vitreous and assisting your doctor in identifying and treating sources of retinal haemorrhage caused by diabetic retinopathy,

Like all surgeries, this procedure has some risk. The dangers and advantages of vitrectomy should discussed with our best eye doctor in delhi.

Why do you get it?

The light must go through your eye and into your retina, the group of cells at the back of your eye that detects light, in order for you to see. Your brain receives the information from it.

The vitreous fluid can cloud, fill with blood or debris, harden, or scar due to a variety of illnesses. This may prevent light from properly reaching your retina and impair eyesight. The issue could resolved or made better by removing and refilling the fluid.

The retina can occasionally separate from the tissue around it. In order to access your retina and heal it more easily, our best ophthalmologist in delhi could perform a vitrectomy.

Additionally, it can enable access to your macula, which located in the middle of your retina and is responsible for fine central vision. Its hole might cause vision to become hazy. It is simpler to treat with the vitreous fluid removed.

When is vitrectomy suggested?

When is vitrectomy suggested? The use of a vitrectomy or a vitrectomy combined with additional operations recommended for five main reasons:

  • Obscuring vascular opacity (clouding)
  • Conditions brought on by aberrant retinal pulling
  • Conditions requiring retinal or other types of eye surgery
  • To determine a vitreoretinal disorder (diagnostic vitrectomy)
  • When installing a medical device or drug delivery system

 vitrectomies can be of several forms.

Anterior vitrectomy

Occasionally, after severe cataract, cornea, or glaucoma procedures, the vitreous gel enters the front of the eye through the pupil. To lessen inflammation, stop the cornea from decompensating, and lower the likelihood of future retinal issues, this needs to be cleared up.

Pars plana vitrectomy

A posterior or pars plana vitrectomy is a procedure done by a retina specialist to treat illnesses of the posterior segment. In order to reach the vitreous, three self-sealing apertures are made in the eyeball. The vitreous is then extracted using high-speed cutters while a light source illuminates the inside of the eye.

Saline, a gas bubble, or silicone oil may be injected into the vitreous gel after a pars plana vitrectomy is finished to aid in holding the retina in place.

When such a vitreous substitute is used, the retina heals faster during a postoperative time when the patient is normally positioned face down.

What happens throughout a vitrectomy?

Typically, a vitrectomy performed at an outpatient surgery facility. To numb the eye, you will either receive local or total anaesthetic. It may take one to several hours to do surgery.

In order to put the instruments during surgery into the white of the eye, the ophthalmologist will either make a tiny cut (incision) or use specific blades (sclera). To view the interior of your eye, he or she will use a microscope. Our best eye doctor in west delhi will carry out one or more of the following procedures with microscopic instruments:

  • Eject all hazy vitreous
  • Eliminate the retina’s scar tissue
  • Get rid of any cataracts
  • Take out everything that shouldn’t be in your eyes.
  • Bring the retina back to the back of the eye in the appropriate location.
  • Use a laser to treat other procedures, such as a damaged retina
  • Put a bubble of gas or air in your eye to keep the retina in the right position (the bubble goes away on its own)
  • Put a bubble of silicone oil in your eye (oil removed later during second surgery)

You will watch as you relax and recover from anaesthesia after the procedure. You can then return home.

What happens following a vitrectomy procedure?

Your ophthalmologist will provide you a prescription for medication to ease your eye irritation and aid in proper eye healing. After a vitrectomy, pain is extremely uncommon, but a scratchy, sandy, or gritty sensation—as though something was inside your eye—is typical. With time and the right medications, this will go away.

For a few days, our doctor (best eye hospital in west delhi, bharti eye foundation) will instruct you to cover your eye with a patch to protect it. He or she will let you know when it is safe to resume your regular activities.

How dangerous is a vitrectomy?

The majority of patients recover successfully from their vitrectomy, although occasionally issues can occur. Your age, your health issues, and the nature of your eye condition may all affect your risks. Among the dangers of the procedure are the:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding excessively
  • High intraocular pressure
  • The procedure led to a fresh retinal detachment.
  • Damaged lens
  • Increased occurrence of cataracts
  • Issues with eye movement following surgery
  • Refractive error variation

Additionally, there is a chance that the operation won’t be able to solve your primary issue. In this situation, a second surgery might be necessary (from our best eye hospital in delhi).

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